Sunday, August 20, 2006

Mid August - feels like September...

Feels like the season of mellow fruitfulness is upon us already - berries ripening in the hedges and the small trees in our orchard weighed down with fruit - hope we get to them before the wasps do.


annakarenin said...

Welcome,we have two apple trees in our garden,new to us, do hope they look like that come August.

My sister's family all watch National Lampoons every christmas. Apparantly Christmas wouldn't be christmas without it. Unfortunately Xmas before last we alll went ski-ing so we all had to sit down and watch it with them. Don't think my hubs is a fan though he was not ammused, I found it quite funny.

mountainear said...

Hi there, I picked this up by chance - this is the blog I use for experiments - so all the stuff I'm too scared to contemplate losing is on the other one Mountainear. See you there perhaps?